HOW I had A 10-DAY LONDON holiday FOR $700

Updated: 3/25/21 | March 25th, 2021


It’s one of the most expensive destinations in the world.

How do you check out London on a budget?

I pertained to the city on a 10-day trip for a travel conference and I thought it was the best place to test out my travel hacking theories to see if you could check out London the cheap. few people No make plans to travel to London thinking they are going to be able to check out cheap.

But what if you could?

After all, there are few impossible budget travel destinations the world.

A city as big and diverse as London need to have plenty of ways to lower your costs?

If you can hack London and check out on a budget, you can travel hack anywhere.

So, without additionally ado, here’s how my experiment went!


How Did I Do London on a Budget?

How much Did I spend in London?

How I saved on My flight to London

How I saved on My accommodation in London

How I saved money checking out Attractions in London

How I saved money on Food in London

How I saved money on transportation in London

How much would This trip frequently Cost?

How I saved on My flight to London

I used my American Airlines frequent flier miles to pay for my flight. A round-trip ticket from Boston to London cost me 60,000 miles, plus a service charge of $165.10 in taxes and fees.

The miles I used were “anytime miles,” but American Airlines also uses “OffPeak Miles” (off-season really), and you can actually fly to London for as little as 40,000 miles round-trip.

How do I get so lots of miles?
I’m a frequent flier, so I can generate a lot of miles per year. I usually fly about 40,000–50,000 miles per year, which, compared to a lot of travel writers, is pretty low. but I’ve written extensively on how to get miles for free. I sign up for bonus offer credit scores cards, sign up for deals, use preferred merchants, and sign up for every contest that gives extra miles. All told, I’ve accumulated over 400,000 frequent flier miles with American Airlines alone through these methods.

While I’ve written lots of blog articles on how to get complimentary miles, here’s a quick summary of the best methods:

Sign up for a branded airline credit scores card: Whether you love Delta or fly United and the star Alliance, all us carriers have a branded travel credit scores card that gives you 40,000–50,000 points when you sign up and make one purchase. That’s a complimentary economy ticket ideal there. The quickest and best way to get a lot of complimentary miles is to get one of these travel credit scores cards.

Watch out for special promotions: I sign up for all airline mailing lists. I always enjoy out for special two-for-one mile deals. Or when they have special card uses to earn extra miles. American Airlines just gave me 1,000 miles for enjoying a demo on their new shopping toolbar. I once got 5,000 miles for joining Netflix. typically you get miles for filling out surveys too or even by tweeting the brands! utilizing promotions over the course of a few months can yield big results.

Sign up for a non-airline credit scores card: Sign up for a non-airline credit scores card like a Starwood American express card, and you can get 75,000 sign-up points. Afterward, you can transfer your sign-up bonus offer points to the airline you use and redeem them for flights.

How much Did I spend in London?

During my 10 days in London, I spent 481.21 GBP or $710 USD. That works out to be roughly $70 USD per day. and that’s not just my day-to-day expenses. That includes EVERYTHING:my flight to London, my hotel, transportation, food, drinking, and attractions.

Think about that for a second.

I had a 10-day holiday in London for $700 USD that included airfare. When was the last time you went to Europe for that little money? When was the last time any big international trip cost that kind of money?

How Did I Do London on a Budget?

Before I describe how I did it, I want to take a second to describe some of the ground policies I laid out for myself. I didn’t want to backpack London. My goal was to show the budget travelers of the world — the two-week holiday-makers — that you can do London on the low-cost without being a backpacker. That saving money isn’t all dorm rooms, Couchsurfing, and eating pasta.

So, checking out London as a budget traveler, I made three rules:

1. I wouldn’t stay in hostels. I wanted to stay in great accommodation to verify that even a hotel stay can be cheap.

2. I had to eat a few great meals. When you go on holiday, you want to eat great food, so I agreed that I would have at least two really great meals in London.

3. I couldn’t say “no” because it was expensive. lots of backpackers skip sightseeing because of the cost, but I wanted to do all the normal sightseeing activities regular tourists do. You don’t go on a short holiday to not sightsee right?

With these ground policies in place, I set off to check out London asa budget traveler:

How I saved on My accommodation in London

I had hoped that by the time I went to London, my Marriott points would credit scores to my account. Marriott is using a new card with Chase that got me 70,000 points plus one complimentary stay for signing up and after the first use. I jumped on this deal, but the points took too long to place into my account. (On the plus side, I now have 70,000 points and a complimentary night at a Marriott for future use.)

Since my points didn’t get credited in time, I used a lot more American Airlines miles for this. I used 68,000 points plus $25 USD for five nights of accommodation in a four-star hotel. I stayed in a hotel near Hyde Park, a very well-to-do neighborhood in London.

Now, while you can use airline miles for holidays and hotels, you never get as good of a deal when you use them for flights. five nights using hotel points would have cost me just 50,000 points. The point here, though, is that by signing up for a branded hotel card, you can use those points to get complimentary hotel stays for your next vacation. Or you can use the bonuses from an airline. Either way, getting complimentary hotel rooms isn’t that hard.

For the other four nights, I was London, I used Airbnb. While I usually like hostels, I wanted some peace and quiet as well as a kitchen while in London. The room cost 150 GBP ($238 USD) for four nights.

How I saved money checking out Attractions in London

London is terrific for sightseeing because so much is complimentary here. It makes sightseeing on a budget really easy. the best museums — the British Library, British Museum, national Gallery, natural history Museum, and museum of London (just to name a few) — are all free. Hyde Park? Zadarmo. Kensington Gardens? Zadarmo. It’s easy to fill a few days with sightseeing in London without ever spending a penny.

But sadly, not everything is free. For attractions that weren’t free, I used the London Pass. This vacationer card cost me 54 GBP ($86 USD) for two days of sightseeing. It covers over 32 destinations and uses complimentary public transportation. You can get a pass for up to six days (87 GBP). There are hundreds upon hundreds of dollars in savings with this pass. However, I didn’t have much time nor the desire to see all 32 spots. I was able to see:

Westminsterské opátstvo

Tower of London

Katedrála sv. Pavla

Ben Franklin House

Britain at war Museum

Shakespeare’s globe Museum

London Tombs

Without this pass, the same attractions would have cost me 104.55 GBP. I saved 50% by using the London Pass, and I didn’t even use it for everything it offers. This is why in so lots of of my articles about various cities, I anxiety getting a city pass if you plan to do a lot of museums and tours. You can save a lot of money by doing so. It’s one of the best budget travel ideas out there and is all too typically overlooked.

Note: as of 2021, the London Pass is 100 GBP ($140 USD) for the two-day pass. Still a bargain if you plan to see a lot!

How I saved money on Food in London

I didn’t want to be the normal backpacker and eat kebabs and pasta for every meal. but at the same time, I know locals don’t eat out 100% of the time, either, and a terrific way to save money is to cook, which is part of the reason I got a place with a kitchen for my last four nights. I wanted to mix eating out with cooking a few meals.

During my 10 days in London, I spent 103.80 GBP ($165 USD) on food, which broke down the following ways:

I spent 9.11 GBP on groceries, including bread, sandwich meat, vegetables, and pasta. This was enough for three dinners and three lunches. (Seriously.)

I spent 2.20 GBP on water bottles, which I refilled over the course of my trip.

My hotels and serviced apartment or condo supplied breakfast, though I did go out for McDonald’s one morning. (I just love those hash browns.)

The rest was spent on dining out.

I got pizza one day, went out for good Thai food for one dinner, had terrific Indian one night, ate normal fish and chips the next, had a few Starbucks green teas, and ate tons of kebabs. They’re anywhere in London. According to my friends, you’re a true Londoner if you’re dining on kebabs, especially if it’s after a night out.

As I said, I didn’t want to skimp on meals. I ate how and when I wanted to. I did look for deals, though, as any good budget traveler knows that good food doesn’t have to be expensive. In London, I found the best way to eat out on a budget was to look for lunch specials. a lot of restaurants I came across had lunch specials, and lots of pizza places used a “buy one, get one free” deal on takeaway.

Another terrific way to save money is to get the taste Card. This diner’s club card uses 50% discounts on thousands of restaurants as well as two-for-one specials. It can really pay off, especially on those great meals you’ll want to have. You can only live on fish and chips for so long.

How I saved money on transportation in London

My London Pzadok pokrýval verejnú dopravu počas dvoch dní, ktoré platilo. A vzhľadom na to, že kabíny v Londýne sú notoricky drahé aj podľa londýnskych štandardov, zdržal som sa ich brať.

Na prepravu na letisko Heathrow som vzal Heathrow Express, aby som sa dostal do mesta (18,50 GBP) a Londýnskeho podzemia, aby som sa dostal von (5 GBP). Po celom meste som naložil kartu ustrice (karta metra) na neobmedzené použitie v zónach 1–3 na sedem dní za cenu 32,20 GBP.

Koľko by táto cesta často stála?

Keby som upadol do pasce, ktorú veľa ľudí rezervuje „normálnu dovolenku“, táto londýnska cesta by ma stála trikrát čo najviac.

Spiatočný let do Londýna z Boston Ideal teraz v súčasnosti beží okolo 500 USD.

V súčasnosti je priemerná cena slušne hodnoteného trojhviezdičkového hotela v centre Londýna okolo 120 USD za noc. Pre môj deväťdňový výlet to zvyšuje približne 1 080 USD.

Keby som sa zdržal varenia, pravdepodobne by som pridal asi 150 USD na stravovanie, keď som vedel moje stravovacie návyky.

Ak to pridáte a pridáte trochu prepravy po celom meste, vynaložil by som na túto cestu takmer 1 800 USD.

Cestou hackerstvom a múdro míňam, strávil som 10 dní v Londýne menej ako polovicu z toho, čím som sa ušetril viac ako 1 000 USD!

Zamyslite sa nad tým.

Skontroloval som Londýn s rozpočtom na 60% zľavu na náklady na normálnu dovolenku a na nič som nekrištoval.

Práve som cestoval inteligentne, používal som systémy odmeňovania a vo svojom prospech používal každodennú skromnosť. Zostal som na skvelých miestach, dobre som našiel a videl som všetky atrakcie, ktoré som chcel. Nebol som obetovaný pohodlie.

Lacné cestovanie nenaznačuje zlé cestovanie.

Chcel som si vziať dovolenku do Londýna, ktorú mohli moji rodičia alebo kamaráti-ľudia, ktorí by neboli chytení mŕtvych v 15-lôžkových internátoch, aby ušetrili peniaze-mohli trvať. Chcel som lacno cestovať bez obetovania pohodlia.

A ja som to urobil.

Cestovanie nemusí byť drahé. Investovaním len trochu navyše čas na plánovanie svojej cesty som bol schopný mať úžasný výlet za cenu prebehnutia sadzby za let do Londýna.

Nemusíte tráviť tisíce cestovaním. Prázdnina nemusí stáť ruku a nohu a nabudúce, keď máte tendenciu myslieť, jednoducho nezabudnite, že áno, je možné cestovať lacno a každý jednotlivec to dokáže.

Chcete sa naučiť, ako cestujem svet zadarmo?
Prestaňte platiť celú cenu! Stiahnite si nášho bezplatného sprievodcu cestovným hackingom a učením sa:

Ako si vybrať kartu kreditu

Ako zarobiť míle za bezplatné lety a hotely

Je Travel Hacking skutočne podvod?

Získajte príručku bezplatného sprievodcu

Zarezervujte si cestu do Londýna: logistické nápady a triky
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Nájdite lacný let do Londýna pomocou SkyScanner alebo Momondo. Sú to moje dva obľúbené vyhľadávacie nástroje. Začnite s Momondom.

Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld, pretože majú najlepší inventár. Ak chcete zostať niekde inde ako v hosteli, použite, pretože neustále vracia najlacnejšie sadzby pre penzióny a rozpočtové hotely. Niektoré z mojich obľúbených miest na pobyt v Londýne sú:

Svätý Christopher’s Inn


Hostel Astor Hyde Park

Ak chcete získať oveľa viac navrhovaných miest na pobyt, pozrite si tento dlhší zoznam hostelov. A ak vás zaujíma, v ktorej časti mesta zostať, tu je moje okolie Londýn!

Nezabudnite na cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás zabezpečí proti chorobám, zraneniu, krádeži a zrušení. Nikdy som bez toho nechodil na výlet. Používam World Nomads desať rokov. Musíte tiež.

Potrebujete nejaké vybavenie?
Pozrite sa na našu stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete najlepšie spoločnosti, ktoré sa majú použiť!

Chcete sprievodcu?
Londýn má niekoľko skutočne zaujímavých zájazdov. Moja najobľúbenejšia spoločnosť je prechádzka. Majú odborných sprievodcov a môžu vás dostať do scén v najlepších atrakciách mesta. Sú mojou spoločnosťou Cool-T-T-THE CHOVATEĽA!

Ak chcete prehliadku cyklistov, použite prehliadky Fat Tire Tours. Majú najlepšie a veľa nákladovo efektívnych výletov na bicykli v meste.

Chcete oveľa viac informácií o cestovaní v Londýne?
Nezabudnite sa pozrieť na nášho robustného londýnskeho cieľového sprievodcu v Londýne, kde nájdete oveľa viac tipov na plánovanie!

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